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[z lambda sigma mu] = HASSINSKYFIT(SIGMA0, R, L)


function varargout = hassinskyfit(sigma0, q, R, L, frf, h, V, phis, varargin)


 [z lambda sigma mu] = HASSINSKYFIT(SIGMA0, R, L)
 This function will generate a charge distribution for a given SIGMA0 
 (zero current bunch length), q (bunch total charge in Coloumbs and can be
 a vector), using a generalised impedance model with R (OHms) and L
 (Henry) according to the Haissinski equation.

 SIGMA0 (meters, scalar)  : zero current bunch length
 q      (coloumbs, vector): total charge in bunch
 R      (Ohms, scalar)    : ring real effective resistance
 L      (Henry, scalar)   : ring real effecitve impedance
 frf    (Hz, scalar)      : RF frequency
 h      (integer, scalar) : harmonic number of the ring
 V      (Volts, scalar)   : cavity voltage
 phis   (radians, scalar) : synchronous phase


 z      (meters, vector)     : longitudinal position
 lambda (normalised, vector) : charge distribution along z.
 sigma  (meters, vector)     : bunch length for each q using fitgaussian.
 mu     (meters, vector)     : mu of gaussian fit from fitgaussian.

 WARNING: The gaussian fit uses the following command:
          and will thus be a sigma in "points/pixels", no background
          gradient and zero DC. Will fit the area, sigma, assymetry factor
          and the centre of gravity for the gaussian.


 02/03/2010 Eugene


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function varargout = hassinskyfit(sigma0, q, R, L, frf, h, V, phis, varargin)
0003 % [z lambda sigma mu] = HASSINSKYFIT(SIGMA0, R, L)
0004 % This function will generate a charge distribution for a given SIGMA0
0005 % (zero current bunch length), q (bunch total charge in Coloumbs and can be
0006 % a vector), using a generalised impedance model with R (OHms) and L
0007 % (Henry) according to the Haissinski equation.
0008 %
0009 % SIGMA0 (meters, scalar)  : zero current bunch length
0010 % q      (coloumbs, vector): total charge in bunch
0011 % R      (Ohms, scalar)    : ring real effective resistance
0012 % L      (Henry, scalar)   : ring real effecitve impedance
0013 % frf    (Hz, scalar)      : RF frequency
0014 % h      (integer, scalar) : harmonic number of the ring
0015 % V      (Volts, scalar)   : cavity voltage
0016 % phis   (radians, scalar) : synchronous phase
0017 %
0018 % Output:
0019 %
0020 % z      (meters, vector)     : longitudinal position
0021 % lambda (normalised, vector) : charge distribution along z.
0022 % sigma  (meters, vector)     : bunch length for each q using fitgaussian.
0023 % mu     (meters, vector)     : mu of gaussian fit from fitgaussian.
0024 %
0025 % WARNING: The gaussian fit uses the following command:
0026 %                  fitgaussian(I2,'plot',0,'bg_grad',0,'DC',0);
0027 %          and will thus be a sigma in "points/pixels", no background
0028 %          gradient and zero DC. Will fit the area, sigma, assymetry factor
0029 %          and the centre of gravity for the gaussian.
0030 %
0031 % See also FITGAUSSIAN
0032 %
0033 % 02/03/2010 Eugene
0035 DEBUG = 0;
0036 TOL = 1e-10;
0037 MAXIT = 500;
0039 if DEBUG
0040 %     sigma0 = 20.3e-12*3e8; %natural bunch length in m (145.5/5.6)*e-12*3e8
0041 %     R=1600; %resistance (in Ohm)
0042 %     L=25e-9; %Inductance (in nanoHenry)
0043 %     frf = 499.672e6; %RF frequency
0044 %     V=3000000; %RF voltage
0045 %     q = ([1:10]/1000)/1.388e6;
0046 %     h = 360;
0047 %     phis = 2.83964;
0048 end
0050 c = 2.998e8;
0051 dz = sigma0/50;
0052 z = [-sigma0*6:dz:sigma0*6];
0054 % initialise
0055 sigmas = zeros(size(q));
0056 mus = zeros(size(q));
0057 lambda = zeros(length(z),length(q));
0059 for i=1:length(q)
0060     mu = 0;
0061     K = -c^2*q(i)/(2*pi*frf*V*cos(phis)*(sigma0^2));
0063     if 0
0064         % test solution to Hassinski equation based on Oide and Yokoya.
0065         % The method has a different method of finding the solution to the
0066         % Haissinski equation where you integrate from "infinity" at the
0067         % head the bunch towards the tail. This avoids the a fixed point
0068         % type algorithm to find the equilibrium solution. This bit has yet
0069         % to be tested and debugged fully
0070         % Eugene 2/3/2010
0071         warning('This algorithm not tested. Use with caution.');
0072         I2 = zeros(size(z));
0073         A = 1/(sigma0*sqrt(2*pi)); % Initial normalisation factor
0074         sumint = 0;
0075         while abs(sumint-1) > 0.0001
0076             for j=(length(z)-1):-1:1
0077                 % Assume that the solution for I2 is zero for suffidciently
0078                 % large z.
0079                 intR = R*sum(I2(j:end))*dz;
0080                 intL = c*L*sum(gradient(I2(j:end),dz))*dz;
0081                 I2(j) = A*(exp(-(z(j)-mu).^2./(2*sigma0^2))).*(exp((-K.*(intR + intL))));
0082             end
0083             sumint = (sum(I2)*dz);
0084             A = A/sumint;
0085         end
0086         converge = 1;
0087     else
0088         % Fixted point algorithm based on Rohan's old code that has been
0089         % put into functinal form.
0090         if i==1
0091             % initial distribution, subsequent starting distributions set at
0092             % the bottom of the loop.
0093             %         kl = R/2/sqrt(pi)/sigma0;
0094             mu = 0; %c*kl*q(i)/(2*pi*frf*V*cos(phis));
0095             I = (1/sqrt(2*pi)/sigma0)*exp(-(z-mu).^2/(2*sigma0^2));
0096             I = I./(sum(I)*dz); % Normalise
0097             Ip = -((z-mu)/sigma0^2).*I;
0098         else
0099             I = I_stable;
0100             Ip = Ip_stable;
0101         end
0103         converge = 0;
0104         itno = 1;
0105         while ~converge
0106             intR = R*cumsum(I)*dz;
0107             intL = c*L*cumsum(Ip)*dz;
0108             I2 = (1/(sigma0*sqrt(2*pi)))*(exp(-(z-mu).^2./(2*sigma0^2))).*(exp((-K.*(intR + intL))));
0110             %Renormalise the function
0111             I2 = I2./(sum(I2)*dz);
0112             if DEBUG
0113                 fprintf('Iteration: %03d, STD: %e\n',itno,std(I2(:)-I(:)));
0114             end
0115             stderror = std(I2(:)-I(:));
0116             if stderror < TOL; %convegence condition
0117                 converge=1;
0118                 % plot(I2,'r'); %plot final distribution in red
0119             else
0120                 I = I2;
0121                 Ip = gradient(I2,dz);
0122             end
0123             itno = itno + 1;
0125             %         if DEBUG && rem(itno,10) == 0
0126             %             figure(98);
0127             %             plot(I2);
0128             %         end
0130             if itno > MAXIT
0131                 fprintf('WARNING: Did not converge during fit of Hassinsky''s equation!!\n');
0132                 fprintf('q: %g, std error: %g\n',q(i),stderror);
0133                 figure(99);
0134                 plot(z,I);
0135                 break;
0136             end
0137         end
0138     end
0140     lambda(:,i) = I2;
0142     if nargout > 2
0143         if converge
0144             % units of meters
0145             temp = fitgaussian(I2,'plot',1,'bg_grad',0,'DC',0,'scale',dz);
0146             sigmas(i) = temp.sigma;
0147             mus(i) = temp.mu - z(end);
0149             % Set I and Ip for the next sequence and only keep "stable"
0150             % solutions that converge. Otherwise small instabilities will
0151             % build up too quickly for subsequent solutions with higher
0152             % currents, q.
0153             %         kl = R/2/sqrt(pi)/sigmas(i-1);
0154             mu = 0; %c*kl*q(i)/(2*pi*frf*V*cos(phis));
0155             I_stable = I2;
0156             Ip_stable = gradient(I2,dz);
0157         else
0158             % Will try subset (plot envelope). There are "solutions" where
0159             % a sinusoidal pattern is observed at the head of the bunch.
0160             % This part of the code attempts to plot an envelope gaussian
0161             % function by looking for the peaks of the oscilating function
0162             % and only fitting to those points.
0163             ii = find(gradient((lambda(:,i))) > 0); 
0164             ii = ii(abs(diff(ii)) > 1);
0165             if ~isempty(ii) && length(ii) > 1
0166                  % it usually can't find where the gaussian tail of the
0167                  % bunch starts. So assume the distance from the last peak
0168                  % to the start of the tail of the gaussian bunch is the
0169                  % same as the distance between the head of the gaussian
0170                  % part of the bunch and the first peak.
0171                  ii(end+1) = ii(end) + (ii(2)-ii(1))*2; % Generate last point as it can't seem to find the last turn around point.
0172                  %  datai = [1:ii(1), ii(2:end-1)', ii(end):length(z)];
0173                  datai = [1:ii(1), ii(end):length(z)];
0174             else
0175                 % sometimes convertance isn't met however the nongaussian
0176                 % element is not strong so a standard gaussian fit is
0177                 % sufficient.
0178                 datai = [1:length(z)]';
0179             end
0181             z_subset = z(datai);
0182             I2_subset = lambda(datai,i);
0184             temp = fitgaussian(I2_subset,'plot',0,'bg_grad',0,'DC',0,'scale',1,'x',z_subset);
0185             % pause;
0186             % must have reached iteration limit without convergence
0187             % therefore cannot trust fitdata
0188             sigmas(i) = temp.sigma;
0189             mus(i) = temp.mu - z(end);
0190         end
0191     else
0192         I_stable = I2;
0193         Ip_stable = gradient(I2,dz);
0194     end
0195 end
0197 varargout{1} = z;
0198 varargout{2} = lambda;
0199 varargout{3} = sigmas;
0200 varargout{4} = mus;
0203 return
0207 % Loop over currents
0208 current = [];
0209 sigmas = [];
0210 I2 = [];
0211 initstep = 0.5;
0212 itno = 0;
0213 for loop = 1:endloop
0214 if itno >= 600
0215     initstep = initstep/2;
0216 end
0217 % in mA
0218 if loop == 1
0219     current(loop) = 0.001;
0220 else
0221     current(loop) = current(loop-1) + initstep;
0222 end
0223 %current(loop) = initstep*(loop-1) +0.001;
0224 %I = zeros(1001,1); %initial charge distribution
0225 %I2 =zeros(1001,1); %final charge distribution
0226 %Ip = zeros(1001,1); %deriviative of charge distribution
0227 c=3e8;
0228 Frf = 499.672e6; %RF frequency
0229 V=3000000; %RF voltage
0230 Q=(current(end)/1000)/1.3880e6; %convert current to charge
0232 %I2p/I2 = -z/sigma^2 + (c^2*Q*(R*I + c*L*Ip))/(2*pi*Frf*V*cosd(158)*sigma^2)
0234 stop = 0;
0235 itno=0;
0236 %iterate!
0237 SIGMAx = sigma;
0238 K = -c^2*Q/(2*pi*Frf*V*cosd(158)*(SIGMAx^2));
0239 %set the initial distribution as a gaussian
0240 if loop==1
0241     Ax = 1;
0242     MUx = 0; %centre it
0243     dz = SIGMAx/50;
0244     z = [-SIGMAx*6:dz:SIGMAx*6];
0245     I = 1 * (1/(SIGMAx*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-(((z-MUx).^2)/(2*SIGMAx^2)));
0246     % Normalise the initial gaussian
0247     I = I./(sum(I)*dz);
0248     % figure(100); hold on; plot(I);  %plot initial distribution
0249     % make derivative disribution 'Ip'
0250     Ip = -((z-MUx)/SIGMAx^2).*I;
0251 else
0252     I = gaussianY;
0253     Ip = gradient(I,dz);
0254 end
0256 while stop==0;
0257     itno=itno+1;
0259     for a=1:length(z) %do the I(z'-z)dz itergrations first
0260         intR = sum(R*I(1:a))*dz;
0261         intL = sum(c*L*Ip(1:a))*dz;
0262         %the Hassinski equation:
0263         I2(a) = (1/(SIGMAx*sqrt(2*pi)))*(exp(-(z(a)-MUx)^2/(2*SIGMAx^2)))*(exp((-K*(intR + intL))));
0264     end
0265     %Renormalise the function
0266     I2 = I2./(sum(I2)*dz);
0268     %figure(300);
0269     %plot(I2,'g'); %plot iterations in green
0270     %hold on;
0272     fprintf('Iteration: %03d, STD: %e\n',itno,std(I2(:)-I(:)));
0273     if std(I2(:)-I(:)) < 1e-13; %convegence condition
0274         stop=1;
0275        % plot(I2,'r'); %plot final distribution in red
0276         itno; %print out the iteration number
0277     else
0278        I = I2;
0279        Ip = gradient(I2,dz);
0280 %         Ip(1)=0;
0281 %        for a=1:1001
0282 %           I(a) = I2(a);
0283 %           if a>1&&a<1001; %take trapezoidal derivative
0284 %               Ip(a) = 0.5*((I2(a)-I2(a-1)) + (I2(a+1)-I2(a)) );
0285 %           else if a==1 %cant do this on the edges
0286 %               Ip(a) = I2(a+1) - I2(a);
0287 %               else
0288 %                   Ip(a) = I2(a) - I2(a-1);
0289 %               end
0290 %           end
0291 %        end
0292     end
0293     if itno==500; %stop after 100 iterations.
0294         stop =1; 
0295     end
0296 end
0297 % Fit a gaussian
0298 temp = fitgaussian(I2,'plot',0,'bg_grad',0,'DC',0);
0299     %gaussianY = ones(sizey,1);
0300     xx = [1:length(I2)];
0301     gaussianY = temp.area * exp(-0.5*((xx-temp.mu)./((1+sign(xx-temp.mu)*temp.Assym_factor)*temp.sigma)).^2) / sqrt(2*pi*temp.sigma^2) + temp.bg_gradient*xx + temp.DC;
0302     sigmas(loop) = temp.sigma/c*1e12; % convert into ps
0303     %means(i) = Estimates(2);
0305     figure(201);
0306     clf;
0307     plot(z,I2,'b-'); hold on;
0308     plot(z,gaussianY,'-r');
0310 end % for each current
0311 save([pref '_hass'],'fit*','cal*','ave*','measured*','current','sigmas');
0313 measuredsigma = avesigmas;
0314 vectormeas = [avecurrents; measuredsigma];
0315 vectorsim = [current; sigmas];
0316 vectorerror = [avecurrents; measurederrorsigma];
0318 figure(950); xlabel('Current (mA)'); ylabel('Bunch Sigma (arb. units)');hold on; 
0319 plot(vectorsim(1,:),vectorsim(2,:),color);
0320 %errorbar(vectormeas(1,17:19),vectormeas(2,17:19),vectorerror(2,17:19),'.');
0321 errorbar(vectormeas(1,:),vectormeas(2,:),vectorerror(2,:),['.',color]);
0322 %errorbar(vectormeas(1,17:19),vectormeas(2,17:19),vectorerror(2,17:19),'.');

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