< Master index Index for pubtools/LatticeTuningFunctions/correction/RDT >

Index for pubtools/LatticeTuningFunctions/correction/RDT

Matlab files in this directory:

 EquivalentGradientsFromAlignments6D[kn, 1) estimated normal quad gradients from sext offsets, quad
 atQuadRDTdispersioncorrectionfunction [...
 atRDTdispersioncorrectionfunction [...
 atRDTdispersionmeasuredcorrectionfunction [...
 atSkewRDTdispersioncorrectionfunction [...
 atavedata_modATAVEDATA Average of optical functions on selected elements
 qemrdtresp_modQEMRDTRESP compute resonance driving terms at BPM locations
 semrdtresp_modSEMRDT compute resonance driving terms at BPM locations
 testRDTdispersionfreesteeringtest errors and correction functions

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