Home > atmatch > atDisplayConstraintsChange.m



This funciton evaluates the contraints defined in Constraints for lattice


function atDisplayConstraintsChange(Constraints,results)


 This funciton evaluates the contraints defined in Constraints for lattice
 Constraints: cell array of struct('Fun',@functname,'Min',min,'Max',max,'OtherParameters',otherargs}

 Constraints: structure array struct('Fun',@(ring)functname(ring,parameters),
                                   'Min',min, % of unweigthed funct val

 Constraints: structure array struct(...
                                   'Min',min, % of unweigthed funct val

 lindata is the output of atlinopt
 globdata.tune=tune fromk atlinopt
 globdata.chrom=chrom from atlinopt

 functname: handle to vector valued function: [res]=functname(THERING,otherargs)

 min and max have to be the same size as res. (this allows to give functions as limits!)

 created 30-8-2012
 updated 12-10-2012 other_function_args is a cell array, ifit is not it is
                    transformed in a cell array


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function atDisplayConstraintsChange(Constraints,results)
0002 % This funciton evaluates the contraints defined in Constraints for lattice
0003 % Constraints: cell array of struct('Fun',@functname,'Min',min,'Max',max,'OtherParameters',otherargs}
0004 %
0005 % Constraints: structure array struct('Fun',@(ring)functname(ring,parameters),
0006 %                                   'Min',min, % of unweigthed funct val
0007 %                                   'Max',max,
0008 %                                   'Weight',w,
0009 %                                   'RefPoints',[])
0010 %
0011 % Constraints: structure array struct(...
0012 %                     'Fun',@(ring,lindata,globaldata,refpts)functname(...
0013 %                             ring,lindata,globaldata,refpts,parameters),
0014 %                                   'Min',min, % of unweigthed funct val
0015 %                                   'Max',max,
0016 %                                   'Weight',w,
0017 %                                   'RefPoints',refpts);
0018 %
0019 % lindata is the output of atlinopt
0020 % globdata.tune=tune fromk atlinopt
0021 % globdata.chrom=chrom from atlinopt
0022 %
0023 % functname: handle to vector valued function: [res]=functname(THERING,otherargs)
0024 %
0025 % min and max have to be the same size as res. (this allows to give functions as limits!)
0026 %
0027 % created 30-8-2012
0028 % updated 12-10-2012 other_function_args is a cell array, ifit is not it is
0029 %                    transformed in a cell array
0032 disp('   ')
0033 disp('Final constraints values:')
0034 disp('   ')
0035 disp('Name          lat_indx      before         after           low            high       min dif before    min dif after  ')
0036 ok=arrayfun(@dispc, Constraints,results); %#ok<NASGU>
0037 disp('   ')
0038 disp('-----oooooo----oooooo----oooooo----')
0039 disp('    ')
0041     function ok=dispc(cstr,res)
0042         nv=length(res.val1);
0043         ConstrName=sprintf('%-20.20s',func2str(cstr.Fun));
0044         disp([repmat(ConstrName,nv,1) repmat('  ',nv,1)...
0045             num2str((1:nv)','%d')  repmat('  ',nv,1) ...
0046             num2str([res.val1;res.val2;cstr.Min;cstr.Max;...
0047             res.penalty1;res.penalty1;]','%03.3e\t')]);
0048         ok=0;
0049     end
0051 end

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