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FINDM44 numerically finds the 4x4 transfer matrix of an accelerator lattice


function [M44, varargout] = findm44(LATTICE,DP,varargin)


FINDM44 numerically finds the 4x4 transfer matrix of an accelerator lattice
 for a particle with relative momentum deviation DP

 IMPORTANT!!! FINDM44 assumes constant momentum deviation.
   PassMethod used for any element in the LATTICE SHOULD NOT
   1.change the longitudinal momentum dP
     (cavities , magnets with radiation, ...)
   2.have any time dependence (localized impedance, fast kickers, ...)

 M44 = FINDM44(LATTICE,DP) finds a full one-turn
    matrix at the entrance of the first element
    !!! With this syntax FINDM44 assumes that the LATTICE
    is a ring and first finds the closed orbit

 [M44,T] = FINDM44(LATTICE,DP,REFPTS) also returns
    4-by-4 transfer matrixes  between entrance of
    the first element and each element indexed by REFPTS.
    T is 4-by-4-by-length(REFPTS) 3 dimensional array
    so that the set of indexes (:,:,i) selects the 4-by-4
    matrix at the i-th reference point.

    Note: REFPTS is an array of increasing indexes that
    select elements from range 1 to length(LATTICE)+1.
    See further explanation of REFPTS in the 'help' for FINDSPOS
    When REFPTS= [ 1 2 .. ] the fist point is the entrance of the
    first element and T(:,:,1) - identity matrix

    Note: REFPTS is allowed to go 1 point beyond the
    number of elements. In this case the last point is
    the EXIT of the last element. If LATTICE is a RING
    it is also the entrance of the first element
    after 1 turn: T(:,:,end) = M

 [M44,T] = FINDM44(LATTICE,DP,REFPTS,ORBITIN) - Does not search for
   closed orbit. Instead the ORBITIN,a 1-by-6 vector of initial
   conditions is used: [x0, px0, y0, py0, DP, 0]' where
   the same DP as argument 2. The sixth component is ignored.
   This syntax is useful to specify the entrance orbit
   if LATTICE is not a ring or to avoid recomputting the
   closed orbit if is already known.

 [M44,T] = FINDM44(LATTICE,DP,REFPTS,ORBITIN,'full') - same as above except
    matrixes returned in T are full 1-turn matrixes at the entrance of each
    element indexed by REFPTS.

 [M44,T,orbit] = FINDM44(...) in addition returns
    at REFPTS the closed orbit calculated along the
    way with findorbit4



This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [M44, varargout]  = findm44(LATTICE,DP,varargin)
0002 %FINDM44 numerically finds the 4x4 transfer matrix of an accelerator lattice
0003 % for a particle with relative momentum deviation DP
0004 %
0005 % IMPORTANT!!! FINDM44 assumes constant momentum deviation.
0006 %   PassMethod used for any element in the LATTICE SHOULD NOT
0007 %   1.change the longitudinal momentum dP
0008 %     (cavities , magnets with radiation, ...)
0009 %   2.have any time dependence (localized impedance, fast kickers, ...)
0010 %
0011 % M44 = FINDM44(LATTICE,DP) finds a full one-turn
0012 %    matrix at the entrance of the first element
0013 %    !!! With this syntax FINDM44 assumes that the LATTICE
0014 %    is a ring and first finds the closed orbit
0015 %
0016 % [M44,T] = FINDM44(LATTICE,DP,REFPTS) also returns
0017 %    4-by-4 transfer matrixes  between entrance of
0018 %    the first element and each element indexed by REFPTS.
0019 %    T is 4-by-4-by-length(REFPTS) 3 dimensional array
0020 %    so that the set of indexes (:,:,i) selects the 4-by-4
0021 %    matrix at the i-th reference point.
0022 %
0023 %    Note: REFPTS is an array of increasing indexes that
0024 %    select elements from range 1 to length(LATTICE)+1.
0025 %    See further explanation of REFPTS in the 'help' for FINDSPOS
0026 %    When REFPTS= [ 1 2 .. ] the fist point is the entrance of the
0027 %    first element and T(:,:,1) - identity matrix
0028 %
0029 %    Note: REFPTS is allowed to go 1 point beyond the
0030 %    number of elements. In this case the last point is
0031 %    the EXIT of the last element. If LATTICE is a RING
0032 %    it is also the entrance of the first element
0033 %    after 1 turn: T(:,:,end) = M
0034 %
0035 % [M44,T] = FINDM44(LATTICE,DP,REFPTS,ORBITIN) - Does not search for
0036 %   closed orbit. Instead the ORBITIN,a 1-by-6 vector of initial
0037 %   conditions is used: [x0, px0, y0, py0, DP, 0]' where
0038 %   the same DP as argument 2. The sixth component is ignored.
0039 %   This syntax is useful to specify the entrance orbit
0040 %   if LATTICE is not a ring or to avoid recomputting the
0041 %   closed orbit if is already known.
0042 %
0043 % [M44,T] = FINDM44(LATTICE,DP,REFPTS,ORBITIN,'full') - same as above except
0044 %    matrixes returned in T are full 1-turn matrixes at the entrance of each
0045 %    element indexed by REFPTS.
0046 %
0047 % [M44,T,orbit] = FINDM44(...) in addition returns
0048 %    at REFPTS the closed orbit calculated along the
0049 %    way with findorbit4
0050 %
0051 % See also FINDM66, FINDORBIT4
0053 % *************************************************************************
0054 %   The numerical differentiation in FINDM44 uses symmetric form
0055 %
0056 %         F(x+delta) - F(x-delta)
0057 %       --------------------------------------
0058 %              2*delta
0059 %
0060 %    with optimal differentiation step delta given by !!!! DO LATER
0061 %    The relative error in the derivative computed this way
0062 %    is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO LATER
0063 %    Reference: Numerical Recipes.
0066 if ~iscell(LATTICE)
0067     error('First argument must be a cell array');
0068 end
0070 NE = length(LATTICE);
0072 if nargin >= 5  % FINDM44(LATTICE,DP,REFPTS,ORBITIN,'full')
0073     if strcmpi(varargin{3},'full')
0074         FULLFLAG=1;
0075     else
0076         error('Fifth argument - unknown option');
0077     end
0078 else
0079     FULLFLAG=0;
0080 end
0081 if nargin >= 4 && ~isempty(varargin{2}) % FINDM44(LATTICE,DP,REFPTS,ORBITIN)
0082     R0 = varargin{2};
0083     R0(5) = DP;
0084     R0(6) = 0;
0085 else
0086     R0 = [findorbit4(LATTICE,DP);DP;0];
0087 end
0088 if nargin >= 3  % FINDM44(LATTICE,DP,REFPTS)
0089     if islogical(varargin{1})
0090         REFPTS=varargin{1};
0091         REFPTS(end+1:NE+1)=false;
0092     elseif isnumeric(varargin{1})
0093         REFPTS=setelems(false(1,NE+1),varargin{1});
0094     else
0095         error('REFPTS must be numeric or logical');
0096     end
0097 else
0098     REFPTS=false(1,NE+1);
0099 end
0100 refs=setelems(REFPTS,NE+1);
0101 reqs=REFPTS(refs);
0104 % Determine step size to use for numerical differentiation
0105 global NUMDIFPARAMS
0106 % Transverse
0107 if isfield(NUMDIFPARAMS,'XYStep')
0108     dt = NUMDIFPARAMS.XYStep';
0109 else
0110     % optimal differentiation step - Numerical Recipes
0111     dt =  6.055454452393343e-006;
0112 end
0114 % Build a diagonal matrix of initial conditions
0115 D4 = [0.5*dt*eye(4);zeros(2,4)];
0116 % Add to the orbit_in. First 8 columns for derivative
0117 % 9-th column is for closed orbit
0118 RIN = R0(:,ones(1,9)) + [D4 -D4 zeros(6,1)];
0119 ROUT = linepass(LATTICE,RIN,refs);
0120 TMAT3 = reshape(ROUT(1:4,:),4,9,[]);
0121 M44 = (TMAT3(:,1:4,end)-TMAT3(:,5:8,end))./dt;
0123 if nargout >= 2 % Calculate matrixes at all REFPTS.
0124     MSTACK = (TMAT3(:,1:4,reqs)-TMAT3(:,5:8,reqs))./dt;
0126     if FULLFLAG
0127         S2 = [0 1;-1 0];
0128         S4 = [S2, zeros(2);zeros(2),S2]; % symplectic identity matrix
0129         v=cellfun(@rotate,num2cell(MSTACK,[1 2]),'UniformOutput',false);
0130         varargout{1}=cat(3,v{:});
0131     else
0132         varargout{1}=MSTACK;
0133     end
0134     % return the closed orbit if requested
0135     if nargout == 3
0136         varargout{2}=squeeze(TMAT3(:,9,reqs));
0137     end
0139 end
0141     function mask=setelems(mask,idx)
0142         mask(idx)=true;
0143     end
0145     function w=rotate(v)
0146         w=v*M44*S4'*v'*S4;
0147     end
0148 end

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