Home > atphysics > NonLinearDynamics > atnuampl.m



ATNUAMPL computes tune shift with amplitude


function varargout=atnuampl(ring,ampl,xz,varargin)


ATNUAMPL    computes tune shift with amplitude

    Computes tunes for the specified horizontal amplitudes


    Computes tunes for the specified vertical amplitudes

   Plots the computed tunes in the current axes

   Uses additional options specified by one or more Name,Value pairs.
   Possible values are:
       nturns: specify the number of turns for tracking (default 256)
       method: specify the method for tune determination
               1: Highest peak in fft
               2: Interpolation on fft results
               3: Windowing + interpolation (default)
               4: NAFF
   Other options are transmitted to the plot function


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function varargout=atnuampl(ring,ampl,xz,varargin)
0002 %ATNUAMPL    computes tune shift with amplitude
0005 %
0006 %    Computes tunes for the specified horizontal amplitudes
0007 %
0009 %
0010 %    Computes tunes for the specified vertical amplitudes
0011 %
0012 %ATNUAMPL(...)
0013 %   Plots the computed tunes in the current axes
0014 %
0015 %ATNUAMPL(...,Name,Value)
0016 %   Uses additional options specified by one or more Name,Value pairs.
0017 %   Possible values are:
0018 %       nturns: specify the number of turns for tracking (default 256)
0019 %       method: specify the method for tune determination
0020 %               1: Highest peak in fft
0021 %               2: Interpolation on fft results
0022 %               3: Windowing + interpolation (default)
0023 %               4: NAFF
0024 %   Other options are transmitted to the plot function
0027 lab={'x^2','p_x^2','z^2','p_z^2'};
0028 if nargin < 3, xz=1; end
0029 if ~isempty(varargin) && isnumeric(varargin{1})
0030     orbit=varargin{1};
0031     varargin(1)=[];
0032 else
0033     warning off MATLAB:singularMatrix
0034     orbit=findorbit6(ring);
0035     warning on MATLAB:singularMatrix
0036     if ~all(isfinite(orbit))
0037         orbit=zeros(6,1);
0038         orbit(1:5)=findsyncorbit(ring,0);
0039     end
0040 end
0041 [nturns,varargin]=getoption(varargin,'nturns',256);
0042 [method,varargin]=getoption(varargin,'method',3);
0044 [~,nbper]=atenergy(ring);
0045 [lindata,fractune0]=atlinopt(ring,0,1:length(ring)+1);
0046 tune0=nbper*lindata(end).mu/2/pi;
0047 offs=[nbper -nbper];
0048 siza=size(ampl);
0049 nampl=prod(siza);
0050 p0=repmat(0.00003*[1;0;1;0;0;0], 1,nampl); % 30 microns minimum amplitude
0051 p0(xz,:)=max(p0(xz,:),ampl(:)');
0052 p0=p0+orbit(:,ones(1,nampl));
0053 p1=ringpass(ring,p0,nturns)-orbit(:,ones(1,nampl*nturns));
0054 tunetrack=[findtune(reshape(p1(1,:),nampl,nturns)',method);...
0055     findtune(reshape(p1(3,:),nampl,nturns)',method)]';
0056 [~,k]=min([fractune0-tunetrack(1,:); 1-fractune0-tunetrack(1,:)]);
0057 np=offs(k);
0058 offset=round(tune0-np.*tunetrack(1,:));
0059 tunetrack=np(ones(nampl,1),:).*tunetrack + offset(ones(nampl,1),:);
0060 if nargout > 0
0061     varargout={reshape(tunetrack(:,1),siza),reshape(tunetrack(:,2),siza)};
0062 else
0063     inttunes=floor(tune0);
0064     plot((ampl.*ampl)',tunetrack-inttunes(ones(nampl,1),:),'o-',varargin{:});
0065     legend('\nu_x','\nu_z');
0066     xlabel(lab{xz});
0067     ylabel('\nu');
0068     grid on
0069 end

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