Home > atphysics > ParameterSummaryFunctions > twissring.m



TWISSRING calculates linear optics functions for an UNCOUPLED ring


function [TD, varargout] = twissring(RING,DP,varargin)


TWISSRING calculates linear optics functions for an UNCOUPLED ring
 [TwissData, tune]  = TWISSRING(LATTICE,DP) calculates twiss parameters
    and closed orbit coordinates at the RING entrance assuming
    constant energy deviation DP.

 [TwissData, tune]  = TWISSRING(LATTICE,DP,REFPTS) calculates Twiss parameters
    and closed orbit coordinates at specified reference points REFPTS.

    Note: REFPTS is an array of increasing indexes that  
    select elements from range 1 to length(LATTICE)+1. 
    See further explanation of REFPTS in the 'help' for FINDSPOS 

 [TwissData, tune, chrom]  = TWISSRING(...,'chrom', DDP) also calculates
    linear dispersion and chromaticity. Dispersion is returned as one 
    of the fields in TwissData.
    !!! Last argument DDP is a momentum deviation on top
    of DP (the second argument) used to calculate and normalize
    dispersion and chromaticity. If not supplied
    the default value of 1e-8 is used.

    Note: To resolve the integer part of the tune
    and the uncertainty of acos(trace(M)/2) it is necessary to
    supply sufficient number of REFPTS properly spaced in betatron phase.

 TwisData is a 1-by-REFPTS (1-by-1) structure array with fields
       (Some are the same as in the output of LINOPT)
       ElemIndex   - integer (element number) in the RING 
       SPos        - longitudinal position [m]
       ClosedOrbit - closed orbit column vector with 
                     components x, px, y, py (momentums, NOT angles)                        
       Dispersion  - dispersion orbit position 4-by-1 vector with 
                     components [eta_x, eta_prime_x, eta_y, eta_prime_y]'
                     calculated with respect to the closed orbit with 
                     momentum deviation DP
       M44         - 4x4 transfer matrix M from the beginning of RING
                     to the entrance of the element for specified DP [2]
       beta        - [betax, betay] horizontal and vertical Twiss parameter beta
       alpha       - [alphax, alphay] horizontal and vertical Twiss parameter alpha
       mu          - [mux, muy] horizontal and vertical betatron phase
                     !!! NOT 2*PI normalized
 Use MATLAB function CAT to get the data from fields of TwissData into MATLAB arrays.
     >> TD = twissring(THERING,0,1:length(THERING));
     >> BETA = cat(1,TD.beta);
     >> S = cat(1,TD.SPos);
     >> plot(S,BETA(:,1))


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [TD, varargout] = twissring(RING,DP,varargin)
0002 %TWISSRING calculates linear optics functions for an UNCOUPLED ring
0003 %
0004 % [TwissData, tune]  = TWISSRING(LATTICE,DP) calculates twiss parameters
0005 %    and closed orbit coordinates at the RING entrance assuming
0006 %    constant energy deviation DP.
0007 %
0008 % [TwissData, tune]  = TWISSRING(LATTICE,DP,REFPTS) calculates Twiss parameters
0009 %    and closed orbit coordinates at specified reference points REFPTS.
0010 %
0011 %    Note: REFPTS is an array of increasing indexes that
0012 %    select elements from range 1 to length(LATTICE)+1.
0013 %    See further explanation of REFPTS in the 'help' for FINDSPOS
0014 %
0015 % [TwissData, tune, chrom]  = TWISSRING(...,'chrom', DDP) also calculates
0016 %    linear dispersion and chromaticity. Dispersion is returned as one
0017 %    of the fields in TwissData.
0018 %    !!! Last argument DDP is a momentum deviation on top
0019 %    of DP (the second argument) used to calculate and normalize
0020 %    dispersion and chromaticity. If not supplied
0021 %    the default value of 1e-8 is used.
0022 %
0023 %    Note: To resolve the integer part of the tune
0024 %    and the uncertainty of acos(trace(M)/2) it is necessary to
0025 %    supply sufficient number of REFPTS properly spaced in betatron phase.
0026 %
0027 % TwisData is a 1-by-REFPTS (1-by-1) structure array with fields
0028 %       (Some are the same as in the output of LINOPT)
0029 %       ElemIndex   - integer (element number) in the RING
0030 %       SPos        - longitudinal position [m]
0031 %       ClosedOrbit - closed orbit column vector with
0032 %                     components x, px, y, py (momentums, NOT angles)
0033 %       Dispersion  - dispersion orbit position 4-by-1 vector with
0034 %                     components [eta_x, eta_prime_x, eta_y, eta_prime_y]'
0035 %                     calculated with respect to the closed orbit with
0036 %                     momentum deviation DP
0037 %       M44         - 4x4 transfer matrix M from the beginning of RING
0038 %                     to the entrance of the element for specified DP [2]
0039 %       beta        - [betax, betay] horizontal and vertical Twiss parameter beta
0040 %       alpha       - [alphax, alphay] horizontal and vertical Twiss parameter alpha
0041 %       mu          - [mux, muy] horizontal and vertical betatron phase
0042 %                     !!! NOT 2*PI normalized
0043 %
0044 % Use MATLAB function CAT to get the data from fields of TwissData into MATLAB arrays.
0045 %     Example:
0046 %     >> TD = twissring(THERING,0,1:length(THERING));
0047 %     >> BETA = cat(1,TD.beta);
0048 %     >> S = cat(1,TD.SPos);
0049 %     >> plot(S,BETA(:,1))
0050 %
0053 NE=length(RING);
0054 DDP_default = 1e-8;
0055 % Process input arguments
0056 switch nargin
0057 case 2
0058     REFPTS=NE+1;
0059     CHROMFLAG=0;
0060 case 3 
0061     if isnumeric(varargin{1})
0062         REFPTS = varargin{1};
0063         CHROMFLAG = 0;
0064     elseif ischar(varargin{1}) & strncmp(lower(varargin{1}),'chrom',5)
0065         CHROMFLAG = 1;
0066         REFPTS = NE+1;
0067         DDP = DDP_default;
0068     else
0069         error('Third argument must be a numeric array or string');
0070     end
0071 case 4
0072     if isnumeric(varargin{1})
0073         REFPTS = varargin{1};
0074         if ischar(varargin{2}) & strncmp(lower(varargin{2}),'chrom',5)
0075             CHROMFLAG = 1;
0076             DDP = DDP_default;
0077         else
0078             error('Fourth argument - wrong type');
0079         end
0080     elseif ischar(varargin{1}) & strncmp(lower(varargin{1}),'chrom',5)
0081         CHROMFLAG = 1;
0082         REFPTS = NE+1;
0083         if isnumeric(varargin{2})
0084             DDP = varargin{2};
0085         else
0086             error('Fourth argument - wrong type');
0087         end
0088     end
0089 case 5
0090     if isnumeric(varargin{1})
0091         REFPTS = varargin{1};
0092     else
0093         error('Third argument - wrong type');
0094     end
0095     if ischar(varargin{2}) & strncmp(lower(varargin{2}),'chrom',5)
0096          CHROMFLAG = 1;
0097     else
0098          error('Fourth argument - wrong type');
0099     end
0100     if isnumeric(varargin{3})
0101         DDP = varargin{3};
0102     else
0103         error('Fifth argument - wrong type');
0104     end
0105 otherwise
0106     error('Wrong number of arguments');
0107 end
0109 % Include the endpoint if it is not already in REFPTS
0110 if REFPTS(end)==NE+1
0111     [M44, MS, orb] = findm44(RING,DP,REFPTS);
0112 else
0113     [M44, MS, orb] = findm44(RING,DP,[REFPTS,NE+1]);
0114 end
0119 cos_mu_x = (M44(1,1)+M44(2,2))/2;
0120 cos_mu_y = (M44(3,3)+M44(4,4))/2;
0122 sin_mu_x = sign(M44(1,2))*sqrt(-M44(1,2)*M44(2,1)-(M44(1,1)-M44(2,2))^2/4);
0123 sin_mu_y = sign(M44(3,4))*sqrt(-M44(3,4)*M44(4,3)-(M44(3,3)-M44(4,4))^2/4);
0126 ax = (M44(1,1)-M44(2,2))/2/sin_mu_x;
0127 ay = (M44(3,3)-M44(4,4))/2/sin_mu_y;
0129 bx = M44(1,2)/sin_mu_x;
0130 by = M44(3,4)/sin_mu_y;
0132 BX = squeeze((MS(1,1,:)*bx-MS(1,2,:)*ax).^2 + MS(1,2,:).^2)/bx;
0133 BY = squeeze((MS(3,3,:)*by-MS(3,4,:)*ay).^2 + MS(3,4,:).^2)/by;
0136 AX = -squeeze((MS(1,1,:)*bx-MS(1,2,:)*ax).*(MS(2,1,:)*bx-MS(2,2,:)*ax) + MS(1,2,:).*MS(2,2,:))/bx;
0137 AY = -squeeze((MS(3,3,:)*by-MS(3,4,:)*ay).*(MS(4,3,:)*by-MS(4,4,:)*ay) + MS(3,4,:).*MS(4,4,:))/by;
0139 MX = atan(squeeze( MS(1,2,:)./(MS(1,1,:)*bx-MS(1,2,:)*ax)));
0140 MY = atan(squeeze(MS(3,4,:)./(MS(3,3,:)*by-MS(3,4,:)*ay)));
0142 MX = BetatronPhaseUnwrap(MX);
0143 MY = BetatronPhaseUnwrap(MY);
0145 tune = [MX(end),MY(end)]/2/pi;
0147 NR = length(REFPTS);
0148 % Build TD only for points originally referenced in REFPTS
0149 TD = struct('ElemIndex',num2cell(REFPTS),...
0150     'SPos',num2cell(findspos(RING,REFPTS)),...
0151     'ClosedOrbit',num2cell(orb(:,1:NR),1),...
0152     'M44', squeeze(num2cell(MS(:,:,1:NR),[1 2]))',...
0153     'beta', num2cell([BX(1:NR),BY(1:NR)],2)',...
0154     'alpha', num2cell([AX(1:NR),AY(1:NR)],2)',...
0155     'mu', num2cell([MX(1:NR),MY(1:NR)],2)');
0159     [TD_DDP tune_DDP] = twissring(RING,DP+DDP,REFPTS);
0160     DORBIT = reshape(cat(1,TD_DDP.ClosedOrbit),4,[]);
0161     DISPERSION = num2cell((DORBIT-orb(:,1:NR))/DDP,1);
0162     [TD.Dispersion] = deal( DISPERSION{:});
0163 end
0165 if nargout>1
0166     varargout{1}=tune;
0167 end
0168 if nargout==3 & CHROMFLAG
0169     varargout{2} = (tune_DDP-tune)/DDP;
0170 end
0172 function UP = BetatronPhaseUnwrap(P)
0173 % unwrap negative jumps in betatron
0174     DP = diff(P);
0175     JUMPS = [0; diff(P)] < 0;
0176     UP = P+cumsum(JUMPS)*pi;

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