< Master index Index for atphysics/Radiation >

Index for atphysics/Radiation

Matlab files in this directory:

 atenergyENERGY=ATENERGY(RING) Gets the RING energy
 atradoffATRADOFF switches radiation and cavity off
 atradonATRADON switches RF and radiation on
 atsetenergyatsetenergy(ring,Energy) sets the Energy field in all
 findmpoleraddiffmatrixFINDMPOLERADDIFFMATIRX calculates radiation diffusion matrix of a multipole element
 ohmienvelopeOHMIENVELOPE calculates equilibrium beam envelope in a
 quantumDiffquantumDiff Compute the radiation-diffusion matrix
 radiationoffRADIATIONOFF turns classical radiation OFF
 radiationonRADIATIONON turns classical radiation ON

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