Home > atphysics > TuneAndChromaticity > tunechrom.m



TUNECHROM computes linear tunes and chromaticities for COUPLED or UNCOUPLED lattice


function [tune, varargout] = tunechrom(RING,DP,varargin)


TUNECHROM computes linear tunes and chromaticities for COUPLED or UNCOUPLED lattice

 TUNE = TUNECHROM(RING,DP) - quick calculation of fractional part of the tune 
    from numerically computed transfer matrix, assuming NO X-Y coupling.
    If the tune is above half-integer TUNECHROM finds 1/2 - nu 

 TUNE = TUNECHROM(RING,DP,TUNEGUESS) - resolves the integer and half-integer 
    uncertainty using the TUNEGUESS value. TUNEGUESS = [NUX,NUY]
 [TUNE, CHROM] = TUNECHROM(RINGD,DP,TUNEGUESS,'chrom',DDP) - optionally computes
    chromaticity by numerical differentiation from the difference between tune
    values at momentums DP+DDP and DP
 [TUNE, CHROM] = TUNECHROM(RINGD,DP,TUNEGUESS,'chrom') same as above, only uses
    for DDP the value set in global structure NUMDIFPARAMS.
    If NUMDIFPARAMS is not defined, TUNECHROM uses the internal default value for DDP (1e-8). 

 TUNECHROM(..., 'coupling') - when 'coupling' switch is added to any of the above 
    syntax options, the tunes and chromaticities are calculated assuming
    COUPLED lattice for two transverse eigenmodes.

 Note: TUNECHROM computes tunes and chromaticities from the 4-by-4
   transfer matrix. The transfer matrix is found in FINDM44 using
   numerical differentiation. The error of numerical differentiation 
   is sensitive to the step size. (Reference: Numerical Recipes)
   Calculation of tunes in TUNECHROM involves one numerical differentiation
   to find the 4-by-4 transfer matrix.
   Calculation of chromaticity in TUNECHROM involves TWO!!! numerical differentiations.
   The error in calculated chromaticity from may be substantial (~ 1e-5).
   Use the DDP argument to control the step size in chromaticity calculations
   Another  way to control the step size is NUMDIFPARAMS structure


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [tune, varargout] = tunechrom(RING,DP,varargin)
0002 %TUNECHROM computes linear tunes and chromaticities for COUPLED or UNCOUPLED lattice
0003 %
0004 % TUNE = TUNECHROM(RING,DP) - quick calculation of fractional part of the tune
0005 %    from numerically computed transfer matrix, assuming NO X-Y coupling.
0006 %    If the tune is above half-integer TUNECHROM finds 1/2 - nu
0007 %
0008 % TUNE = TUNECHROM(RING,DP,TUNEGUESS) - resolves the integer and half-integer
0009 %    uncertainty using the TUNEGUESS value. TUNEGUESS = [NUX,NUY]
0010 %
0011 % [TUNE, CHROM] = TUNECHROM(RINGD,DP,TUNEGUESS,'chrom',DDP) - optionally computes
0012 %    chromaticity by numerical differentiation from the difference between tune
0013 %    values at momentums DP+DDP and DP
0014 %
0015 % [TUNE, CHROM] = TUNECHROM(RINGD,DP,TUNEGUESS,'chrom') same as above, only uses
0016 %    for DDP the value set in global structure NUMDIFPARAMS.
0017 %    If NUMDIFPARAMS is not defined, TUNECHROM uses the internal default value for DDP (1e-8).
0018 %
0019 % TUNECHROM(..., 'coupling') - when 'coupling' switch is added to any of the above
0020 %    syntax options, the tunes and chromaticities are calculated assuming
0021 %    COUPLED lattice for two transverse eigenmodes.
0022 %
0023 % Note: TUNECHROM computes tunes and chromaticities from the 4-by-4
0024 %   transfer matrix. The transfer matrix is found in FINDM44 using
0025 %   numerical differentiation. The error of numerical differentiation
0026 %   is sensitive to the step size. (Reference: Numerical Recipes)
0027 %   Calculation of tunes in TUNECHROM involves one numerical differentiation
0028 %   to find the 4-by-4 transfer matrix.
0029 %   Calculation of chromaticity in TUNECHROM involves TWO!!! numerical differentiations.
0030 %   The error in calculated chromaticity from may be substantial (~ 1e-5).
0031 %   Use the DDP argument to control the step size in chromaticity calculations
0032 %   Another  way to control the step size is NUMDIFPARAMS structure
0033 %
0034 %
0037 DDP_default = 1e-8;
0039 % Process input arguments
0040 if nargin>2
0041     % See if 'coupling' switch is thrown as the last argument
0042     if ischar(varargin{end}) & strncmp(lower(varargin{end}),'coupl',5)
0043         COUPLINGFLAG  = 1;
0044     else
0045         COUPLINGFLAG  = 0;
0046     end
0047     % See if TUNEGUESS is specified as the third argument
0048     if isnumeric(varargin{1}) & length(varargin{1})==2
0049         TUNEGUESSFLAG = 1;
0050         TUNEGUESS = varargin{1};
0051     else
0052         TUNEGUESSFLAG = 0;
0053         TUNEGUESS = [0.25, 0.25]; % if no TUNEGUESS is specified
0054     end
0055     % See if any of the argument is 'chrom' ,then chech if the argument after 'chrom' is DDP
0056     CHROMFLAG = 0;
0057     for i = 1:nargin-2
0058        if strcmp(lower(varargin{i}),'chrom')
0059             CHROMFLAG = 1;
0060             if i<nargin-2 & isnumeric(varargin{i+1})
0061                 DDP = varargin{i+1};
0062             else
0063                 % Check if NUMDIFPARAMS is defined globally
0064                 global NUMDIFPARAMS
0065                 if isfield(NUMDIFPARAMS,'DPStep')
0066                     DDP = NUMDIFPARAMS.DPStep;
0067                 else % use default DDP
0068                     DDP =  DDP_default; 
0069                 end           
0070             end
0071             break
0072         end
0073     end
0076 else
0077     COUPLINGFLAG = 0;
0078     CHROMFLAG = 0;
0079     TUNEGUESSFLAG = 0;
0080     TUNEGUESS = [0.25, 0.25]; % if no TUNEGUESS is specified
0081 end
0083 M44 = findm44(RING,DP);
0086     M =M44(1:2,1:2);
0087     N =M44(3:4,3:4);
0088     m =M44(1:2,3:4);
0089     n =M44(3:4,1:2);
0091     % 2-by-2 symplectic matrix
0092     S = [0 1; -1 0];
0093     H = m + S*n'*S';
0094     t = trace(M-N);
0096     g = sqrt(1 + sqrt(t*t/(t*t+4*det(H))))/sqrt(2);
0097     G = diag([g g]);
0098     C = -H*sign(t)/(g*sqrt(t*t+4*det(H)));
0099     A = G*G*M  -  G*(m*S*C'*S' + C*n) + C*N*S*C'*S';
0100     B = G*G*N  +  G*(S*C'*S'*m + n*C) + S*C'*S'*M*C;
0102     cos_mu_x = trace(A)/2;
0103     cos_mu_y = trace(B)/2;
0105     sin_mu_x = sign(A(1,2))*sqrt(-A(1,2)*A(2,1)-(A(1,1)-A(2,2))^2/4);
0106     sin_mu_y = sign(B(1,2))*sqrt(-B(1,2)*B(2,1)-(B(1,1)-B(2,2))^2/4);
0108 else
0109     cos_mu_x = (M44(1,1)+M44(2,2))/2;
0110     cos_mu_y = (M44(3,3)+M44(4,4))/2;    
0111 end
0112 TUNE = acos([cos_mu_x,cos_mu_y])/2/pi;
0116     % Check if the TUNE is in the same quadrant as TUNEGUESS
0117     guess_quadrant = (TUNEGUESS-floor(TUNEGUESS))> 1/2;
0118     tune = floor(TUNEGUESS) +  guess_quadrant + TUNE.*(sign(1/2 - guess_quadrant));
0119 else
0120     tune = TUNE;
0121 end
0123 if CHROMFLAG & nargout > 1  
0124     if COUPLINGFLAG
0125         tune_DDP = tunechrom(RING,DP+DDP,TUNEGUESS,'coupling');
0126     else
0127         tune_DDP = tunechrom(RING,DP+DDP,TUNEGUESS);
0128     end
0129     varargout{1} = (tune_DDP - tune)/DDP;
0130 end

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