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ATPLOT Plots optical functions


function curve = atplot(varargin)


ATPLOT Plots optical functions

ATPLOT                 Plots THERING in the current axes

ATPLOT(RING)           Plots the lattice specified by RING

ATPLOT(AX,RING)        Plots in the axes specified by AX

ATPLOT(AX,RING,DPP)    Plots at momentum deviation DPP

ATPLOT(...,[SMIN SMAX])  Zoom on the specified range

ATPLOT(...,'OptionName',OptionValue,...) Available options:
   'inputtwiss',structure of optics   transferline optics 
               (ex: [optics_struct,~,~]=atlinopt(ring,0,1);
              atplot(ring,[0 10],@plBeamSize,'inputtwiss',optics_struct);)
   'comment',true|false        Prints lattice information (default:true)
   'synopt',true|false         Plots the lattice elements
   'labels',REFPTS             Display the names of selected element names
   'index',REFPTS             Display the index of selected element names
   'leftargs',{properties}     properties set on the left axis
   'rightargs',{properties}    properties set on the right axis

    Allows for a user supplied function providing the values to be plotted
   PLOTFUNCTION must be of form:

       PLOTDATA: structure array,
         PLOTDATA(1) describes data for the left (main) axis
           PLOTDATA(1).VALUES: data to be plotted, length(ring)+1 x nbcurve
           PLOTDATA(1).LABELS: curve labels, cell array, 1 x nbcurve
           PLOTDATA(1).AXISLABEL: string
         PLOTDATA(2) optional, describes data for the right (secondary) axis

   The default function displayed below as an example plots beta functions
    and dispersion

 function plotdata=defaultplot(lindata,ring,dpp,varargin)
 beta=cat(1,lindata.beta);                     % left axis
 plotdata(1).axislabel='\beta [m]';
 dispersion=cat(2,lindata.Dispersion)';        % right axis
 plotdata(2).axislabel='dispersion [m]';

CURVE=ATPLOT(...) Returns handles to some objects:
   CURVE.PERIODICIY ring periodicity
   CURVE.LENGTH    structure length
   CURVE.DPP       deltap/p
   CURVE.LEFT      Handles to the left axis plots
   CURVE.RIGHT     Handles to the right axis plots
   CURVE.LATTICE   Handles to the Element patches: structure with fields
   CURVE.COMMENT   Handles to the Comment text

ATPLOT calls the more general ATBASEPLOT function, which uses a slightly
different syntax.

See also: atbaseplot


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function curve = atplot(varargin)
0002 %ATPLOT Plots optical functions
0003 %
0004 %ATPLOT                 Plots THERING in the current axes
0005 %
0006 %ATPLOT(RING)           Plots the lattice specified by RING
0007 %
0008 %ATPLOT(AX,RING)        Plots in the axes specified by AX
0009 %
0010 %ATPLOT(AX,RING,DPP)    Plots at momentum deviation DPP
0011 %
0012 %ATPLOT(...,[SMIN SMAX])  Zoom on the specified range
0013 %
0014 %ATPLOT(...,'OptionName',OptionValue,...) Available options:
0015 %   'inputtwiss',structure of optics   transferline optics
0016 %               (ex: [optics_struct,~,~]=atlinopt(ring,0,1);
0017 %              atplot(ring,[0 10],@plBeamSize,'inputtwiss',optics_struct);)
0018 %   'comment',true|false        Prints lattice information (default:true)
0019 %   'synopt',true|false         Plots the lattice elements
0020 %   'labels',REFPTS             Display the names of selected element names
0021 %   'index',REFPTS             Display the index of selected element names
0022 %   'leftargs',{properties}     properties set on the left axis
0023 %   'rightargs',{properties}    properties set on the right axis
0024 %
0025 %ATPLOT(...,@PLOTFUNCTION,args...)
0026 %    Allows for a user supplied function providing the values to be plotted
0027 %   PLOTFUNCTION must be of form:
0029 %
0030 %       PLOTDATA: structure array,
0031 %         PLOTDATA(1) describes data for the left (main) axis
0032 %           PLOTDATA(1).VALUES: data to be plotted, length(ring)+1 x nbcurve
0033 %           PLOTDATA(1).LABELS: curve labels, cell array, 1 x nbcurve
0034 %           PLOTDATA(1).AXISLABEL: string
0035 %         PLOTDATA(2) optional, describes data for the right (secondary) axis
0036 %
0037 %   The default function displayed below as an example plots beta functions
0038 %    and dispersion
0039 %
0040 % function plotdata=defaultplot(lindata,ring,dpp,varargin)
0041 % beta=cat(1,lindata.beta);                     % left axis
0042 % plotdata(1).values=beta;
0043 % plotdata(1).labels={'\beta_x','\beta_z'};
0044 % plotdata(1).axislabel='\beta [m]';
0045 % dispersion=cat(2,lindata.Dispersion)';        % right axis
0046 % plotdata(2).values=dispersion(:,1);
0047 % plotdata(2).labels={'\eta_x'};
0048 % plotdata(2).axislabel='dispersion [m]';
0049 % end
0050 %
0051 %CURVE=ATPLOT(...) Returns handles to some objects:
0052 %   CURVE.PERIODICIY ring periodicity
0053 %   CURVE.LENGTH    structure length
0054 %   CURVE.DPP       deltap/p
0055 %   CURVE.LEFT      Handles to the left axis plots
0056 %   CURVE.RIGHT     Handles to the right axis plots
0057 %   CURVE.LATTICE   Handles to the Element patches: structure with fields
0058 %          Dipole,Quadrupole,Sextupole,Multipole,BPM,Label
0059 %   CURVE.COMMENT   Handles to the Comment text
0060 %
0061 %
0062 %ATPLOT calls the more general ATBASEPLOT function, which uses a slightly
0063 %different syntax.
0064 %
0065 %See also: atbaseplot
0067 funcarg=find(cellfun(@(arg) isa(arg,'function_handle'),varargin),1);
0068 if isempty(funcarg)
0069     funcarg=nargin+1;
0070 end
0071 resarg=find(cellfun(@(arg) ischar(arg),varargin(1:funcarg-1)),1);
0072 if isempty(resarg)
0073     resarg=funcarg;
0074 end
0075 options=varargin(resarg:funcarg-1);
0076 [comment,options]=getoption(options,'comment',true);
0077 [intwi,options]=getoption(options,'inputtwiss',[]);
0078 %openline=find(strcmp(options(cellfun(@ischar,options)),'inputtwiss'));
0080 lindata=[];
0082 if isempty(intwi)    % closed ring, DEFAULT
0083     curve=atbaseplot(varargin{1:resarg-1},...
0084         @ringplot,varargin(funcarg:end),options{:});
0085 else                % openline plot
0086     curve=atbaseplot(varargin{1:resarg-1},...
0087         @lineplot,[{intwi} varargin(funcarg:end)],options{:});
0088 end
0090 if (comment)
0091     ax=get(curve.left(1),'Parent');
0092     set(ax,'Position',[.13 .11 .775 .775]);
0093     tuneper=lindata(end).mu/2/pi;
0094     tunes=curve.periodicity*tuneper;
0095     circumference=curve.periodicity*curve.length;
0096     if curve.periodicity > 1, plural='s'; else plural=''; end
0097     line1=sprintf('\\nu_x=%8.3f      \\deltap/p=%.3f%i %s',tunes(1),curve.dpp);
0098     line2=sprintf('\\nu_z=%8.3f      %2i %s, C=%10.3f',tunes(2),...
0099         curve.periodicity,['period' plural],circumference);
0100     curve.comment=text(ax,-0.14,1.12,{line1;line2},'Units','normalized',...
0101         'VerticalAlignment','top');
0102 end
0104     % RING
0105     function [s,plotdata]=ringplot(ring,dpp,plotfun,varargin)
0106         [lindata,tune,chrom]=atlinopt(ring,dpp,1:length(ring)+1); %#ok<ASGLU>
0107         s=cat(1,lindata.SPos);
0108         if nargin < 3
0109             plotdata=defaultplot(lindata,ring,dpp);
0110         else
0111             plotdata=plotfun(lindata,ring,dpp,varargin{:});
0112         end
0113     end
0115     % OPEN LINE
0116     function [s,plotdata]=lineplot(ring,dpp,inputtwiss,plotfun,varargin)
0117         lindata=twissline(ring,dpp,inputtwiss,1:length(ring)+1,'chrom'); 
0118         s=cat(1,lindata.SPos);
0119         if nargin < 4
0120             plotdata=defaultplot(lindata,ring,dpp);
0121         else
0122             plotdata=plotfun(lindata,ring,dpp,varargin{:});
0123         end
0124     end
0127 end
0129 function plotdata=defaultplot(lindata,ring,dpp,varargin) %#ok<INUSD>
0130 %DEFAULTPLOT    Default plotting function for ATPLOT
0131 %
0132 %Plots beta-functions on left axis and dispersion on right axis
0134 beta=cat(1,lindata.beta);
0135 plotdata(1).values=beta;
0136 plotdata(1).labels={'\beta_x','\beta_z'};
0137 plotdata(1).axislabel='\beta [m]';
0138 dispersion=cat(2,lindata.Dispersion)';
0139 plotdata(2).values=dispersion(:,1);
0140 plotdata(2).labels={'\eta_x'};
0141 plotdata(2).axislabel='dispersion [m]';
0142 end

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