< Master index Index for atplot/plotfunctions >

Index for atplot/plotfunctions

Matlab files in this directory:

 CurlyHfunction [H,Hv]=CurlyH(RING,dp,ind)
 CurlyHlindatafunction [H,Hv]=CurlyHlindata(lindata)
 plBeamSizeplots H and V beam size
 plClosedOrbitPLCLOSEDORBIT Plot H and V closed orbits
 plCorrectorStrengthDEFAULTPLOT Default plotting function for ATPLOT
 plEmitContribplots H/rho³ at every dipole
 plPolynomBCompPLPOLYNOMBCOMP default plotting function for ATPLOT
 plPolynomBSxtOctDEFAULTPLOT Default plotting function for ATPLOT
 plenvelopePLENVELOPE Plot beam envelope
 plotWdispPplotWdispP Plot W functions
 plot_betabeatfunction plot_betabeat(THERING_ref,THERING_mod)
 plot_trajectoryPLOT_TRAJECTORY Plots particle trajectories

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