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RINGPASS tracks particles through each element of the cell array RING


function [Rout, varargout] = ringpass(ring, Rin, nturns, varargin)


RINGPASS tracks particles through each element of the cell array RING
 calling the element-specific tracking function specified in the
 RING{i}.PassMethod field.

 ROUT=RINGPASS(RING,RIN,NTURNS) tracks particle(s) with initial
    condition(s) RIN for NTURNS turns

   RING        AT lattice
   RIN         6xN matrix: input coordinates of N particles
   NTURNS      Number of turns to perform (default: 1)

   ROUT        6x(N*NTURNS) matrix: output coordinates of N particles at
               the exit of each turn

  Return additionally an information on lost particles
    LOST    1xN logical vector, indicating lost particles
    If only one output is given, loss information is saved in
    global variable LOSSFLAG

  Return additionally the number of turns performed by each particle
    NTURNS    1xN vector, number of turns performed

  Return additional information on lost particles
   NHIST       number elements before the loss to be traced (default: 1)
   LOSSINFO    1x1 structure with the following fields:
               lost                 1xN logical vector, indicating lost particles
               turn                 1xN vector, turn number where the particle is lost
               element              1xN vector, element number where the particle is lost
               coordinates_at_loss  6xN array, coordinates at the exit of
                                    the element where the particle is lost
                                    (sixth coordinate is inf if particle is lost in a physical aperture)
               coordinates          6xNxNHIST array, coordinates at the entrance of the
                                    LHIST elements before the loss

 ROUT=RINGPASS(...,'KeepLattice') Tracking with the 'KeepLattice' flag is
   more efficient because it reuses persistent data structures stored in
   memory in previous calls to RINGPASS.

    !!! In order to use this option, RINGPASS must first be called
    without the 'KeepLattice' flag. It then assumes that the elements in RING
    DO NOT CHANGE between calls. Otherwise, RINGPASS  must be called again
   without 'KeepLattice'.

 ROUT=RINGPASS(...,'reuse') is kept for compatibilty with previous
 versions. It has no effect.

 ROUT=RINGPASS(...,'Silent') does not output the particle coordinates at
    each turn but only at the end of the tracking

   PREFUNC and POSTFUNC are function handles, PREFUNC is called
   immediately before tracking each element, POSTFUNC is called
   immediately after each element. Functions are called as:


   and are allowed to modify the particle coordinates

 See also: LINEPASS


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [Rout, varargout] = ringpass(ring, Rin, nturns, varargin)
0002 %RINGPASS tracks particles through each element of the cell array RING
0003 % calling the element-specific tracking function specified in the
0004 % RING{i}.PassMethod field.
0005 %
0006 % ROUT=RINGPASS(RING,RIN,NTURNS) tracks particle(s) with initial
0007 %    condition(s) RIN for NTURNS turns
0008 %
0009 %   RING        AT lattice
0010 %   RIN         6xN matrix: input coordinates of N particles
0011 %   NTURNS      Number of turns to perform (default: 1)
0012 %
0013 %   ROUT        6x(N*NTURNS) matrix: output coordinates of N particles at
0014 %               the exit of each turn
0015 %
0016 % [ROUT, LOST]=RINGPASS(...)
0017 %  Return additionally an information on lost particles
0018 %    LOST    1xN logical vector, indicating lost particles
0019 %    If only one output is given, loss information is saved in
0020 %    global variable LOSSFLAG
0021 %
0023 %  Return additionally the number of turns performed by each particle
0024 %    NTURNS    1xN vector, number of turns performed
0025 %
0027 %  Return additional information on lost particles
0028 %   NHIST       number elements before the loss to be traced (default: 1)
0029 %   LOSSINFO    1x1 structure with the following fields:
0030 %               lost                 1xN logical vector, indicating lost particles
0031 %               turn                 1xN vector, turn number where the particle is lost
0032 %               element              1xN vector, element number where the particle is lost
0033 %               coordinates_at_loss  6xN array, coordinates at the exit of
0034 %                                    the element where the particle is lost
0035 %                                    (sixth coordinate is inf if particle is lost in a physical aperture)
0036 %               coordinates          6xNxNHIST array, coordinates at the entrance of the
0037 %                                    LHIST elements before the loss
0038 %
0039 % ROUT=RINGPASS(...,'KeepLattice') Tracking with the 'KeepLattice' flag is
0040 %   more efficient because it reuses persistent data structures stored in
0041 %   memory in previous calls to RINGPASS.
0042 %
0043 %    !!! In order to use this option, RINGPASS must first be called
0044 %    without the 'KeepLattice' flag. It then assumes that the elements in RING
0045 %    DO NOT CHANGE between calls. Otherwise, RINGPASS  must be called again
0046 %   without 'KeepLattice'.
0047 %
0048 % ROUT=RINGPASS(...,'reuse') is kept for compatibilty with previous
0049 % versions. It has no effect.
0050 %
0051 % ROUT=RINGPASS(...,'Silent') does not output the particle coordinates at
0052 %    each turn but only at the end of the tracking
0053 %
0056 % ROUT=RINGPASS(...,function_handle.empty,POSTFUNC)
0057 %   PREFUNC and POSTFUNC are function handles, PREFUNC is called
0058 %   immediately before tracking each element, POSTFUNC is called
0059 %   immediately after each element. Functions are called as:
0060 %
0062 %
0063 %   and are allowed to modify the particle coordinates
0064 %
0065 % See also: LINEPASS
0067 % Check input arguments
0068 if size(Rin,1)~=6
0069     error('Matrix of initial conditions, the second argument, must have 6 rows');
0070 end
0072 if nargin < 3
0073     nturns = 1;
0074 end
0075 [keeplattice,args]=getflag(varargin, 'KeepLattice');
0076 [dummy,args]=getflag(args,'reuse');    %#ok<ASGLU> % Kept for compatibility and ignored
0077 [silent,args]=getflag(args, 'silent');
0078 funcargs=cellfun(@(arg) isa(arg,'function_handle'), args);
0079 nhist=getoption(struct(args{~funcargs}), 'nhist',1);
0081 newlattice = double(~keeplattice);
0083 if silent
0084     refpts=[];
0085 else
0086     refpts=length(ring)+1;
0087 end
0089 [prefunc,postfunc]=parseargs({function_handle.empty,function_handle.empty},...
0090     args(funcargs));
0092 try
0093     [Rout,lossinfo] = atpass(ring,Rin,newlattice,nturns,refpts,prefunc,postfunc,nhist);
0095     if nargout>1
0096         if nargout>3, varargout{3}=lossinfo; end
0097         if nargout>2, varargout{2} = lossinfo.turn; end
0098         varargout{1} = lossinfo.lost;
0099     else % if no output arguments - create LOSSFLAG, for backward compatibility with AT 1.2
0100         evalin('base','clear LOSSFLAG');
0101         evalin('base','global LOSSFLAG');
0102         assignin('base','LOSSFLAG',lossinfo.lost);
0103     end
0104 catch err
0105     if strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:unassignedOutputs')
0106         error('Atpass:obsolete',['ringpass is now expecting 2 output arguments from atpass.\n',...
0107         'You may need to call "atmexall" to install the new version']);
0108     else
0109         rethrow(err)
0110     end
0111 end
0112 end

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