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ATSETSHIFT sets the misalignment vectors


function ring=atsetshift(varargin)


ATSETSHIFT sets the misalignment vectors

 RING=ATSETSHIFT(RING, ELEMINDEX, DX, DY) sets the entrance and exit misalignment vectors
  of one element or a group of elements in the globally defined lattice THERING.

 ELEMINDEX contains indexes of elements to be misaligned
 DX, DY are displacements of the ELEMENT
  so the coordinate transformation on the particle at entrance is
    X  ->  X-DX
   Y  ->  Y-DY

 ATSETSHIFT(ELEMINDEX, DX, DY) Uses the global variable THERING

 See also: ATSETTILT


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function ring=atsetshift(varargin)
0002 %ATSETSHIFT sets the misalignment vectors
0003 %
0004 % RING=ATSETSHIFT(RING, ELEMINDEX, DX, DY) sets the entrance and exit misalignment vectors
0005 %  of one element or a group of elements in the globally defined lattice THERING.
0006 %
0007 % ELEMINDEX contains indexes of elements to be misaligned
0008 % DX, DY are displacements of the ELEMENT
0009 %  so the coordinate transformation on the particle at entrance is
0010 %    X  ->  X-DX
0011 %   Y  ->  Y-DY
0012 %
0013 % ATSETSHIFT(ELEMINDEX, DX, DY) Uses the global variable THERING
0014 %
0015 % See also: ATSETTILT
0017 global THERING
0018 if ~iscell(varargin{1})
0019     THERING=atsetshift(THERING,varargin{:});
0020 else
0021     [ring,idx,dx,dy]=deal(varargin{:});
0023     if length(dx) == 1
0024         dx=dx*ones(size(idx));
0025     elseif length(dx) ~= length(idx)
0026         error('AT:length','Vector lengths are incompatible: %i/%i.',length(idx),length(dx));
0027     end
0028     if length(dy) == 1
0029         dy=dy*ones(size(idx));
0030     elseif length(dy) ~= length(idx)
0031         error('AT:length','Vector lengths are incompatible: %i/%i.',length(idx),length(dy))
0032     end
0034     for i = 1:length(idx)
0035         ring{idx(i)}=atshiftelem(ring{idx(i)},dx(i),dy(i));
0036     end
0037 end

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