< Master index Index for lattice >

Index for lattice

Matlab files in this directory:

 at2pyELSTR=AT2PY(ELEM) convert AT element tp pyat
 at2strELSTR=AT2STR(ELEM) String representation of an AT element
 ataddmpolecomppolyataddmpolecomppoly adds a multipole component to an existing polynomial,
 ataddmpoleerrorsataddrandmpole adds a random multipole component to all elements of type
 atdivelemLINE=ATDIVELEM(ELEM,FRAC) divide an element into pieces
 atelemATELEM makes a new AT element structure from another element,
 atfastringATFASTRING Generate simplified AT structures
 atfitchromATFITTUNE fits chromaticites by scaling 2 sextupol families
 atfittuneATFITTUNE fits linear tunes by scaling 2 quadrupole families
 atgetcellsATGETCELLS performs a search on MATLAB cell arrays of structures
 atgetfieldvaluesATGETFIELDVALUES retrieves the field values AT cell array of elements
 atguessclassATCLASS=ATGUESSCLASS(ATELEM) Tries to determine the class of an element
 atindexATINDEX extracts the information about element families and
 atinsertelemsATINSERTELEMS Insert elements at given locations in a line
 atloadfielderrsATLOADFIELDERRS will load a field error structure into a ring
 atmakefielderrstructMAKERNDFIELDERRS will create a field error data structure
 atreduceATREDUCE Remove useless elements from an AT structure
 atsbreakATSBREAK Insert markers at given s positions in a lattice
 atsetRFCavityATSETRFCAVITY sets the RF Cavity with the passmethod RFCavityPass.
 atsetfieldvaluesATSETFIELDVALUES sets the field values of MATLAB cell array of structures
 atsetshiftATSETSHIFT sets the misalignment vectors
 atsettiltATSETTILT sets the entrance and exit rotation matrices
 atshiftelemATSHIFTELEM set new displacement parameters
 atsplitelemATSPLITELEM Creates a line by inserting one or more elements into a base element
 attiltelemATTILTELEM sets new rotation parameters
 atwritemATWRITEM Creates a .m file to store an AT structure
 atwritepyATWRITEM Creates a .m file to store an AT structure
 buildlatBUILDLAT places elements from FAMLIST into cell array THERING
 combinebypassmethodCOMBINEBYPASSMETHOD combines adjacent elements that have the same specified pass method
 combinelinear45COMBINELINEAR45 combines adjacent elements that use 4-by-5 PassMethods
 findcellsFINDCELLS performs a search on MATLAB cell arrays of structures
 findtagsFINDTAGS looks for string matches in 'Tag' field of AT lattice elements
 getargsGETARGS Check and expands optional argument lists
 getcellstructGETCELLSTRUCT retrieves the field values MATLAB cell array of structures
 getflagGETFLAG Check the presence of a flag in an argument list
 getoptionGETOPTION Extract one option from an option list ['Name',value,...]
 insertelem0INSERTELEM0 - quick and dirty:
 insertindriftINSERTINDRIFT inserts one or more elements into a drift element
 isatelemISATELEM tests if an input argument is a valid AT element.
 isatlatticeISATLATTICE tests if an input argument is a valid AT lattice.
 mergedriftMERGEDRIFT removes a lattice element and merges the two adjacent drift spaces
 mvelemMVELEM(ELEMPOS, DIST) moves an element located at ELEMPOS in THERING
 parseargsPARSEARGS Check and expands optional argument lists
 reverseREVERSE reverses the order of elements in a one-dimensional MATLAB ARRAY
 rmelem0RMELEM0 removes elements of length 0 from the accelerator lattice
 setcellstructSETCELLSTRUCT sets the field values of MATLAB cell array of structures
 setshiftSETSHIFT sets the misalignment vectors T1, T2 for elements
 settagsSETTAGS sets the 'Tag' field in AT lattice elements
 settiltSETTILT sets the entrance and exit misalignment matrixes
 splitdriftSPLITDRIFT inserts an element into a drift space
 splitelemINSERTELEM inserts one or more elements inside another element
 symplectifysymplectify makes a matrix more symplectic

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