at2py | ELSTR=AT2PY(ELEM) convert AT element tp pyat |
at2str | ELSTR=AT2STR(ELEM) String representation of an AT element |
ataddmpolecomppoly | ataddmpolecomppoly adds a multipole component to an existing polynomial, |
ataddmpoleerrors | ataddrandmpole adds a random multipole component to all elements of type |
atdivelem | LINE=ATDIVELEM(ELEM,FRAC) divide an element into pieces |
atelem | ATELEM makes a new AT element structure from another element, |
atfastring | ATFASTRING Generate simplified AT structures |
atfitchrom | ATFITTUNE fits chromaticites by scaling 2 sextupol families |
atfittune | ATFITTUNE fits linear tunes by scaling 2 quadrupole families |
atgetcells | ATGETCELLS performs a search on MATLAB cell arrays of structures |
atgetfieldvalues | ATGETFIELDVALUES retrieves the field values AT cell array of elements |
atguessclass | ATCLASS=ATGUESSCLASS(ATELEM) Tries to determine the class of an element |
atindex | ATINDEX extracts the information about element families and |
atinsertelems | ATINSERTELEMS Insert elements at given locations in a line |
atloadfielderrs | ATLOADFIELDERRS will load a field error structure into a ring |
atmakefielderrstruct | MAKERNDFIELDERRS will create a field error data structure |
atreduce | ATREDUCE Remove useless elements from an AT structure |
atsbreak | ATSBREAK Insert markers at given s positions in a lattice |
atsetRFCavity | ATSETRFCAVITY sets the RF Cavity with the passmethod RFCavityPass. |
atsetfieldvalues | ATSETFIELDVALUES sets the field values of MATLAB cell array of structures |
atsetshift | ATSETSHIFT sets the misalignment vectors |
atsettilt | ATSETTILT sets the entrance and exit rotation matrices |
atshiftelem | ATSHIFTELEM set new displacement parameters |
atsplitelem | ATSPLITELEM Creates a line by inserting one or more elements into a base element |
attiltelem | ATTILTELEM sets new rotation parameters |
atwritem | ATWRITEM Creates a .m file to store an AT structure |
atwritepy | ATWRITEM Creates a .m file to store an AT structure |
buildlat | BUILDLAT places elements from FAMLIST into cell array THERING |
combinebypassmethod | COMBINEBYPASSMETHOD combines adjacent elements that have the same specified pass method |
combinelinear45 | COMBINELINEAR45 combines adjacent elements that use 4-by-5 PassMethods |
findcells | FINDCELLS performs a search on MATLAB cell arrays of structures |
findtags | FINDTAGS looks for string matches in 'Tag' field of AT lattice elements |
getargs | GETARGS Check and expands optional argument lists |
getcellstruct | GETCELLSTRUCT retrieves the field values MATLAB cell array of structures |
getflag | GETFLAG Check the presence of a flag in an argument list |
getoption | GETOPTION Extract one option from an option list ['Name',value,...] |
insertelem0 | INSERTELEM0 - quick and dirty: |
insertindrift | INSERTINDRIFT inserts one or more elements into a drift element |
isatelem | ISATELEM tests if an input argument is a valid AT element. |
isatlattice | ISATLATTICE tests if an input argument is a valid AT lattice. |
mergedrift | MERGEDRIFT removes a lattice element and merges the two adjacent drift spaces |
mvelem | MVELEM(ELEMPOS, DIST) moves an element located at ELEMPOS in THERING |
parseargs | PARSEARGS Check and expands optional argument lists |
reverse | REVERSE reverses the order of elements in a one-dimensional MATLAB ARRAY |
rmelem0 | RMELEM0 removes elements of length 0 from the accelerator lattice |
setcellstruct | SETCELLSTRUCT sets the field values of MATLAB cell array of structures |
setshift | SETSHIFT sets the misalignment vectors T1, T2 for elements |
settags | SETTAGS sets the 'Tag' field in AT lattice elements |
settilt | SETTILT sets the entrance and exit misalignment matrixes |
splitdrift | SPLITDRIFT inserts an element into a drift space |
splitelem | INSERTELEM inserts one or more elements inside another element |
symplectify | symplectify makes a matrix more symplectic |