UNTITLED3 Summary of this function goes here Detailed explanation goes here by L.F. Jun 2016, ESRF, K:\machine\matlab\atlf
0001 function bpmreading = bpm_process(bpmorbit,rel,tel,trand) 0002 %UNTITLED3 Summary of this function goes here 0003 % Detailed explanation goes here 0004 % by L.F. Jun 2016, ESRF, K:\machine\matlab\atlf 0005 0006 bp=cellfun(@process,mat2cell(bpmorbit,2,ones(1,size(bpmorbit,2))),rel,tel,trand,'UniformOutput',false); 0007 bpmreading=cat(2,bp{:}); 0008 0009 function x=process(x0,rel,tel,trand) 0010 x=rel*x0 + tel + trand.*randn(2,1); 0011 end 0012 end