< Master index Index for pubtools/LatticeTuningFunctions/errors >

Index for pubtools/LatticeTuningFunctions/errors

Matlab files in this directory:

 AssignFieldErrfunction r=AssignFieldErr(r,refpos,N,rho,BNn,ANn)
 atsetbpmerrATSETBPMERR sets the misalignment vectors
 atsettiltdipoleATSETTILTDIPOLE sets the entrance and exit rotation matrices
 bpm_matricesBPM_MATRICES Computes the transformation matrices for the given BPMs
 bpm_processUNTITLED3 Summary of this function goes here
 findorbit4Errfindorbit4 with bpm errors
 findorbit6Errfindorbit6 with bpm reading errors
 findtrajectory6Err[t 6xNbpm array of trajectory
 setFieldIntegralErrorfunction rerr=setFieldIntegralError(r0,rerr,indx,order,Nsigma,sigmaperc)

Subsequent directories:

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